Posted by: Chris | January 5, 2010

The 26 Days Of Nomar, Day 9

This Nomar bat card is from 2002 Donruss Classics. This card has a fancy, thick, glossyness to it which makes it seem high end which I like. Overall though, this card kind of lacks eye-appeal and design. The background is kinda boring and the bat piece is smaller then normal which is kinda bad because of all the extra space on the card. They should have at least made the Red Sox logo bigger and maybe moved it under the bat piece instead of in the corner. I think the back of the card is more interestign the the front to be honest. On the back it has  picture of the bat the relic was cut from and you can see the wear and use on the bat from Nomar, which is pretty cool. The card is numbered 276/500. Serial numbers always make things better.

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